AWOL 4x4 Club

A.W.O.L. members believe in family togetherness. Our spouses, significant other, and children are the heart of this club.

Friendships are comprised of people with common interests, values, and morals. A.W.O.L. members share in this and want to form new friendships with like-minded individuals.

As A.W.O.L. members, we strive to benefit and better the community through charity work. Our “Rescue & Recovery Team” will provide the community with its own real life superheroes.

Our club was formed in uncertain and trying times for America. A.W.O.L. members wish to re-affirm and preserve the American way of life. We do not want our children to have nightmares of planes flying into buildings. We want their dreams to consist of fun filled outings amidst family and friends, exploring and enjoying nature.

Keep out
AWOL 4x4 Club 
is a Hammond, LA based 
Jeep Enthusiast Club.